Why the Need for Umbrella Insurance Increases as You Age

Bogden Insurance Agency wants to help you understand the advantages of obtaining umbrella insurance for both personal and commercial use in Berlin, CT. Purchasing an umbrella policy provides liability coverage that can prevent you from paying a settlement out of pocket. This financial security blanket becomes increasingly important as you age because financial stability is critical with less time to recover monetarily from a liability claim paid out of pocket.

The Consequences of No Umbrella Coverage

Without umbrella coverage, an accident occurring when you’re 30, causing liability, may force you to exhaust your retirement fund, investment portfolio, or savings account to pay the settlement. Based on NerdWallet’s data, a person aged 35 typically has retirement savings of $49,130. Even if you decimate the account, if you retire at age 70, you could replenish it by investing just $102.35 per month on top of your usual monthly deposit.

Now, consider a liability-causing accident happening when you’re 60, without umbrella coverage. At this age, the average retirement fund contains about $537,560, as per NerdWallet. With only ten years left to reimburse yourself before retirement, you’ll need to add roughly $409.41 monthly, on top of your regular deposits, to repay your account.

How Umbrella Insurance Can Help

The same scenario featuring umbrella coverage plays out very differently. You pay a few dollars per month for a $1 million umbrella policy. If a liability-causing accident happens, the policy pays the settlement after your primary policy reaches its maximum. Your retirement fund, investments, and savings remain intact.

At Bogden Insurance Agency, we strive for a secure outcome for our neighbors in Berlin, CT. We can help protect your financial security with an umbrella policy. It can complement your auto insurance, home coverage, and any other primary policy with our agency. It’s worth reaching out today to secure your future.

Who should get a full classic car insurance plan?

Living in Berlin, CT with a Classic Car? Consider This Insurance

Living in the Berlin, CT, area and owning a classic car requires ensuring that you get the right insurance for your vehicle. Classic car insurance is a beneficial option for classic car owners in this area and is the ideal choice in several situations.

For those Seeking Maximum Coverage

A primary reason to invest in a classic car insurance policy is to obtain the maximum coverage possible for the vehicle. Classic cars are unique because they can be excellent investments, potentially increasing in value over the years. A classic car insurance plan will ensure you have sufficient coverage to protect this value, something a standard auto insurance plan might not offer.

For those Looking for Affordable Liability Coverage

Another distinction between classic cars and regular vehicles is that classic cars may not be driven as often. Nonetheless, you still require liability coverage to meet state laws when driving your classic car. When setting up a new classic car insurance plan, your typical mileage will be considered when formulating and pricing your plan. This consideration could help you save on liability costs, as your actual risk will be lower due to reduced usage.

If you are considering investing in a classic vehicle, you should also plan on getting a classic car insurance policy. When shopping for this coverage in the Berlin, CT, area, contact our team at the Bogden Insurance Agency. Our professionals will help you develop a new policy that safeguards your vehicle and suits your requirements.

How Does Comprehensive Coverage Work? Bogden Insurance Agency

At Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT, we understand that peace of mind is priceless when it comes to protecting what matters most. Comprehensive coverage isn’t just another checkbox on an insurance form—it’s a necessity that guards against various potential perils, from natural disasters to theft and vandalism. Learn more about this essential coverage below.

How Does Comprehensive Auto Coverage Work?

Comprehensive auto coverage is critical to any insurance policy, protecting a wide range of risks that other types of insurance may not cover. Unlike collision coverage, which only covers damage resulting from accidents with other vehicles, comprehensive coverage safeguards your vehicle against theft, vandalism, weather-related damage, and more. This means that even if your car is damaged by a falling tree branch or broken into by thieves, comprehensive coverage will step in to help cover the costs of repairs or replacement.

One notable aspect of comprehensive auto coverage is its flexibility and customization options. Policyholders can tailor their coverage limits and deductibles to suit their individual needs and budget constraints. Additionally, comprehensive coverage often includes benefits such as rental car reimbursement and roadside assistance services, enhancing the policy’s overall value. By understanding how comprehensive auto coverage works and taking advantage of its various features, drivers can enjoy greater peace of mind knowing they are protected against multiple risks on the road.

Contact Bogden Insurance Agency in Berlin, CT for Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance protects you on the road. At Bogden Insurance Agency, we want our clients to have the highest-quality and most affordable insurance. Contact us today to speak with an agent and learn more about coverage options.

I have a small online business with no employees. Do I need commercial insurance?

Commercial insurance has benefits for almost any business owner. If you have assets you want to protect, commercial insurance can help you do that. Even if your business is small and you have zero employees, there are still many benefits that a commercial insurance policy can provide. Speaking with one of our Berlin, CT team members at Bogden Insurance Agency can help you explore your options and get the coverage you need to meet your company’s needs. 

What is commercial insurance?

In short, commercial insurance is insurance designed to protect your business from losses by providing many different forms of customizable bundled coverage. Of course, like any insurance policy, the goal is to get insurance that will meet your company’s unique needs. Hence, the term "customizable." A licensed agent can ask the questions needed to help you get the coverage you need to protect your business and receive coverage from loss and other unexpected situations. 

I have a small online business with no employees.

Regardless of whether you have a brick-and-mortar location for your business or your business is virtual or online, you have assets to protect. This alone suggests that you can benefit from the protection that commercial insurance can provide for you. As a virtual business owner, specific forms of coverage are designed for people who do business online. Your insurance agent can help you explore these coverage options and select the ones that would best suit your business. Online business owners have assets to protect and losses they can face if their businesses aren’t adequately protected. If you have questions about commercial insurance, we’re happy to answer them. Call us. 

How to File a Home Insurance Claim Successfully

Experiencing damage to your home can be overwhelming, but knowing how to file an insurance claim properly can help you manage the situation more effectively. Here at Bogden Insurance Agency, serving Berlin, CT, and surrounding areas, we’re committed to helping you navigate the claims process smoothly and successfully. Here are the steps to start the process.

Step 1: Assess the Damage

Before doing anything, make sure that it is safe to assess the damage and enter the home. Your safety is key. Once it’s safe, take a detailed account of what’s been affected in your home. Documenting everything accurately is crucial for your claim.

Step 2: Document Everything

Take clear photos or videos of all the damage. Documenting these details is critical for your insurance claim. Make a list of damaged or lost items and note any changes that occur to the home. Keep receipts if you need to buy anything to make immediate repairs or cover living expenses if you can not live in your home during renovations.

Step 3: Stop Further Damage

Make sure that your property is safe from further damage. This may include covering broken windows, turning off water to prevent flooding, or other immediate measures. 

Step 4: Work with the Adjuster

Our adjuster team will visit your home to assess the damage. Be prepared to show them the damage and provide the documentation you’ve collected. Answer any questions thoroughly and keep notes about what is discussed for your own records.

Contact us today!

If you’re in Berlin, CT, or the nearby areas and need to file a home insurance claim at Bogden Insurance Agency, we are here to help. Contact us today, and let’s start the claim process together. 

Why Renter’s Insurance is Essential if You Have a Pet

Residents of Berlin, CT, love their pets. About two-thirds have at least one pet in their household. While having a dog, cat, or other animal can bring you joy, it can also pose a liability risk. That’s why you must ensure that your renter’s insurance policy covers incidents caused by your furry friend. Bogden Insurance Agency can help you determine what you need to cover your risk.

Injuries and Damages Your Pet May Cause

The American Veterinary Association indicates that 4.5 million people suffer dog bites annually, sometimes inflicting severe injuries. You’ll be responsible for medical expenses if your dog injures another person while on your rental property. Animals can inflict other injuries, too, including broken bones and bruises, if someone trips and falls over the animal. Generally, most renters’ policies provide $100,000 to $300,000 in liability. You’ll have coverage up to your liability limits when your pet injures someone. The same applies if your pet damages someone’s property while in your rental home. However, you must check your policy terms to determine if it covers pets.

What If My Renter’s Insurance Doesn’t Cover Pets?

If, after reviewing your policy, you determine that pet liability isn’t included, you have another option. Some insurance companies offer separate animal liability coverage on top of the renter’s insurance. The size of your pet and its breed, as well as your location and the liability limits you choose, will determine the cost of this extra insurance. Note that the cost for some dog breeds that cause injuries will be higher. It’s important to understand your policy terms and make an informed decision about the coverage you need for your pet.

Note that renter’s insurance or additional pet liability will not cover damage to your items or the unit where you live. If you need advice on pets and renter’s insurance, the professionals at Bogden Insurance Agency, servicing Berlin, CT, will gladly help. Call today.

Will condo insurance cover the carpet damage from my burst pipes?

Condo insurance is similar to homeowner’s insurance. It provides coverage for the interior of a condo and the condo owner’s personal belongings. However, unlike homeowners’ insurance, it doesn’t cover a condominium’s exterior or common areas. Condo owners own the interior walls, floors, and fixtures of their condo. The Bogden Insurance Agency team in Berlin, CT is dedicated to helping condo owners understand how condo insurance works.

How does condo insurance work?

Condo owners invest in condo insurance to protect the interior of their condos. This insurance is designed to pay for the interior structure of the condo, including the floors, walls, fixtures, and the personal items of the condo owner. It also includes liability coverage if someone is injured or incurs property damage while visiting your condo. In short, condo insurance is bonded coverage designed to protect the interior of your unit, the fixtures, plumbing, and more. Condo insurance also covers repairing or replacing your personal belongings if they’re damaged due to a covered event or situation. 

Will condo insurance cover the carpet damage from my burst pipes?

Yes. If your pipes burst, your condo insurance will pay for the replacement and repair of your burst pipes and anything else that’s damaged due to the incident. However, if your pipes burst due to negligence on your part, the repair or replacement of your pipes, as well as any other damaged items, may not be covered by your condo insurance. If you have questions regarding what’s covered by condo insurance, call us. We’d happily answer your questions and help you explore your options. 

What Can You Expect From Your Umbrella Insurance Policy?

Securing Additional Protection with Bogden Insurance Agency

Selecting the right insurance policy is crucial to safeguarding what truly matters to you. An effective way of achieving this level of protection is through an umbrella policy. For those in Berlin, CT searching for this type of coverage, Bogden Insurance Agency is here to help. We understand the value of additional coverage to protect against claims and loss. Collaborating with our agents offers an easy and convenient avenue to secure quality coverage and enjoy improved peace of mind.

Exploring Insurance Options with Bogden Insurance Agency

At Bogden Insurance Agency, our emphasis lies in providing you with quotes from diverse insurers, thus enabling you to make informed decisions that best suit your individual requirements. Our agents play a pivotal role in ensuring that you feel comfortable with the insurance policies you own and provide continuous support when choosing them. Connecting with us simplifies your search for the right policy, as opposed to trying on your own.

Why You Need Umbrella Coverage

It is a common misconception that umbrella coverage benefits only those with substantial assets. However, practically everyone can profit from this vital protection. This policy comes into effect where other policies reach their limit, thus designed to extend your insurance coverage. For instance, if you face an auto or home insurance claim that exceeds your policy limits, the umbrella coverage steps in, offering robust coverage.

Reach Out to Bogden Insurance Agency Today

For those in the Berlin, CT area seeking an umbrella insurance policy, contact us today at Bogden Insurance Agency. Our insurance agents are devoted to offering the protection and support you need and deserve, equipping you with the confidence to handle any claims. We are here to help you leave your insurance worries behind, allowing you to enjoy moments with friends and family in the present.

Classic Car Insurance: Optional Coverage Types

If you are actively restoring your classic vehicle, you may want to pursue optional coverage that will protect your vehicle while it is being modified. Learn about some optional coverage types. Then, reach out to a Bogden Insurance Agency representative who serves Berlin, CT to update your insurance policy.

Preservation Options

Preserving your classic car will require that you purchase OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts. You can provide proof of your restoration project simply by outlining the steps that you plan on taking and by submitting receipts that support your project.

As your preservation project is underway, keep a careful record of all the automotive materials that you have purchased. Keep the receipts for your purchases in a spot where you can easily retrieve them. When it is time to modify your insurance policy, you will have the information needed to prove that your project is underway.


Consider the tools that you are using to restore your vehicle. These tools should be insured during the restoration project. Receive an appraisal of the equipment that you will be using while modifying your vehicle. Seek a classic car insurance add-on that will provide adequate coverage for the essential materials that you will be using.


Hood decorations and other memorabilia items that are displayed on your vehicle and inside of it can be insured. These items may be valuable, both monetarily and sentimentally. Keep track of all the memorabilia you own. Then, seek coverage for these items.

Consult With Us

Our friendly agents at Bogden Insurance Agency will answer any questions that you have about classic car insurance. Reach out to one of our agents who serve Berlin, CT at a time that is convenient for you.

How to Keep Your Tires in Good Condition

Your vehicle tires can be compared to shoes. Your car can’t run properly unless its tires are in good condition. While it’s easy to forget about the needs of your tires, doing so can cause a chain of reactions that can endanger the performance of your vehicle and the safety of you and your passengers. Your insurance representative at Bogden Insurance Agency serving Berlin, CT, wants you to learn how to keep your tires in good condition.

How to Keep Your Tires in Good Condition

Rotate Tires Regularly

Tires wear differently depending on where they are in your vehicle. The turns you make, the way you drive and road conditions are all contributing factors to how your tires wear down. The rule of thumb is to have your tires rotated at least once every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. Talk to your auto mechanic for more detailed guidance on your best tire rotation frequency.

Keep Tires Properly Inflated

Check your tire pressure regularly. You can do this yourself with a handheld tire gauge or a gas station using their equipment. Your vehicle mechanic can also do this for you. Driving on over or under-inflated tires causes unnecessary wear and tear on tires, making them wear out before their time.

Maintain Proper Wheel Alignment

Tires that are not properly aligned cause uneven and rapid tire wear. You may end up with a tire that has barely any wear on half of it while the other half is showing threads. Have your alignment checked if you notice uneven wear patterns on your tires, your steering wheel is off-center when driving straight, or your vehicle pulls to one side.

Consult With Us

When your tires are in poor condition, they are more prone to sudden failure and unexpected response. For instance, balding tires are more susceptible to hydroplaning and skidding. For information about auto insurance or assistance with a claim, contact Bogden Insurance Agency serving the greater Berlin, CT region.